Tea Turtle Café

A personal project where I created the branding for a cute little café, the Tea Turtle. I created an illustrated logo, a concept for the shop exterior, and a menu. Role: Branding & Illustration

Arvid Nordquist 140 years jubilee

Shown during the coffee company Arvid Nordquist’s 140 years jubilee, I created the outro for a video celebrating the company’s long history 🎉 Role: Animation

National Geographic

We created the content for these glowing ads displayed in the middle of the capital of Olso, Norway. This campaign also included a wide array of online banners and ads. Collaborators: National Geographics & Disney+ Role: Print & Digital Design

Mischievous Monsters

Zoom, slide, crash! What might happen when these sneaky creatures are around? No one knows! Except for the mischievous monsters themselves, of course. More monsters on the way – please check back later! Role: Illustration & Character Design


We created an animated film to promote innovative solutions to improve childbirth. This was created for the company ObsteCare. Their target group is expecting parents and the professionals surrounding these parents. Collaborator: Marie Stridh Role: Illustration & Animation


I created an animation to introduce Salesapp, a product made to make it easier to sell products and services. Illustrations: Shutterstock Role: Art Direction, Animation & Sound

Stimuli Short

Stimuli is an intriguing short story about a man stuck on the border between life and death. I created the storyboards for the production. Collaborator: Kaan Orgunmat Press: 2021 International Film Festival Cologne. Role: Storyboard artist