A commercial for the competition “Jernspiran”. I was in charge of the sound recording on set and setting up lights & equipment with the rest of the team. Role: Sound mixer & cable
Author: Saga
Sollentuna kommun
We created an animated film to help people better understand how to use e-services in Sollentuna municipality. Collaborator: Marie Stridh
April & May Updates – TLDR
Alright friends, grab your tea (or coffee, no judging), and let’s get this summary going! 5 Things in April 1. I went to a Pecha Kucha presentation and was especially inspired by the amazing tiny houses by Vera van Wolferen 2. Visiting Amsterdamse Bos for the first time I got to see a lot of people and a lot of… Continue reading April & May Updates – TLDR
Oh, Hello Spring!
Kopi has been asleep on my legs for the past two hours, so while I should really be asleep I am instead awake writing this. Future-Saga will not be happy about this, but Present-Saga sure is! — Spring has finally begun and the city is starting to fill up with sunlight, cherry blossoms and a growing line to… Continue reading Oh, Hello Spring!
Not Being Afraid and Being Alive
While biking home this week I’ve been thinking quite a lot about the bombings in Brussels. Having been there only two weeks earlier, and living only a few hours away, it feels strangely unreal and close. Talking to my parents on the phone, my mom said something that she’s told me and my brother since we were young: “There is no… Continue reading Not Being Afraid and Being Alive
It's March Already? – TLDR
Right now, my life is in that running state. You know, when you seem to be always running but never really catching up with whatever is in front of you? Below you’ll get a recap of the past four weeks. For you to survive the block of text I promise there will be both cat and food… Continue reading It's March Already? – TLDR
So, What's the Weather Like?
One of the most Swedish things to talk about is the weather. Feel tree to think that I’m silly, but I’ve always been interested in the weather. Maybe because it shapes the way my everyday life and days turn out. I would say that the average weather in Amsterdam is most likely rain, with a… Continue reading So, What's the Weather Like?
Amsterdam & Stockholm Snapshots
I want to share a few snapshots of what I’ve been up to lately. So let’s go! I witnessed the start of the tulip season at Dam Square. I can sense the tourist buzz starting to return at full strength. I flew to Stockholm to celebrate that one of my closest friends (Camilla Sten, second from the right)… Continue reading Amsterdam & Stockholm Snapshots
Light at Night
Winters can be dark and tiring. However, it is also that time of the year when there is a lot of light. Well, at least a lot of artificial light! I have yet to go to a music festival, but during the last few years I’ve really started to like light festivals. Growing up in… Continue reading Light at Night
The Return of the Blog
Back in 2007, my brother started a website for me and said: “Hey, here’s your blog! Write something.” This site has changed purpose and looks numerous times since then, but lately it’s been blog-less. Let’s change that. My name’s Saga and I’m a Swede, currently working as an interaction designer in Amsterdam. I like doodling characters and… Continue reading The Return of the Blog